CEO Greeting

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CEO Greeting

HELLO, Welcome to DSS.
One of the oldest shipbuilders in Korea
DongSung one of the oldest shipbuilders in Korea, is located in Pohang city, the eastern tip of Korea peninsular.
DongSung has started the shipbuilding business since 1946, mainly building Wooden ship. During their history of last 60 years, the company was re-launched as a true expert in building medium size product and chemical tankers in the world with a firm vision to make a strong company. Though the company is small, based on differentiated technology and excellent product quality, DongSung is very competitive.
Also, DongSung has gained ISO 9001(KR), ISO 2008 certifications and is realizing customer satisfaction management in every area regarding quality, environment, safety and health. DongSung will satisfy customers through its excellent product quality, and will be a small but strong shipbuilders in the world market. Small but Strong, the pioneer spirit and artisan spirit are the main value of DongSung beyond the world’s best medium-size shipyard, DongSung is preparing for a better future and higher dreams.
Thank you.
CEO Su-Hwan, Kim

Address : (37730) 239, Unha-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea|Business No. : 506-81-39093
Tel : +82-54-247-6048|Fax : +82-54-931-4155|E-mail :